The Ravelry Loom-a-long group will be working on Wingspan for Loom Knitters during April and May. Please come and join us.
We will be making both the original Wingspan for Loom Knitters, shown in the second photo, as well as Wingspan In Lace, shown in the third photo.
The patterns are both in the Wingspan for Loom Knitters e-book, which also has information on how to size your Wingspan from a scarf to a large shawl, and for using looms in 3/8, 1/2 and 3/4 inch gauges. I hope you will come join us for this fun project.
Kitten's Lost Mittens e-book: A collection of mitts and mitten patterns for loom knitters
$9.00 US

Copyright 2014 by Renee Van Hoy, Invisible Loom. All Rights Reserved